Friday 30 December 2011

Fairly bad

I was (well, always am) a bit short of money before Christmas and felt I couldn't afford my usual (very good but very expensive) brand of organic face tonic.  While doing some gift hunting in a local fair trade shop I happened to bump into this product  from a company called Fair naturally and thought to give it a go. Cheap it may have been but unfortunately even the little money I spent on it was too much. It's one of these you-should-always-read-the-small-print-or-at-least-sniff-the-tester -cases: it does sport a big fair trade logo in the label but actually has only two fairly traded ingredients - cotton seed and cucumber - and they seem to be the only natural ones as well. It irritates my dry skin horribly and smells of turpentine mixed with cheap perfume. Yuk.

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