Sunday 8 January 2012

Let them eat bruschetta!

Let's face it - we are poor. And now when I am on maternity leave even poorer. Well, as poor as any well-educated people with a fairly middle-class backround can be. As in not at all really, when you look at things on a global scale. But thinking that our poorness is just relative doesn't help a great deal when there are loads of bills to pay and the bank account is on the minus side! This New Year I made a resolution to try live with as little money as possible - and to make it a fun challenge instead of just being  mean.

I made these bruschetta bread slices from a loaf I got for free from local whole food store. It's also an excellent way to use up any old pieces of bread that are drying up in your bread cupboard.

All you need is:

olive oil
herbs (rosemary, basilica, whatever available really)

Chop the garlic and mix in with the oil. Add salt and herbs. Slice the bread and spread oil generously on the slices. Bake in oven in 225 degrees for about 5-10 minutes until crisp and brown. Enjoy while feeling virtuous!

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