Friday 18 March 2011

Super slow smoothie

This is what I drank today - minus the beads!

Smoothies are very much the thing in vogue at the moment, I've noticed. Every magazine has to have an issue of super-food smoothie recipes and smoothie bars have started to appear even in Helsinki. I bumped into one accidentally today and gave it a go. It was a place called Cocovi-smoothie bar and had just opened on Monday. ( I didn't happen to have my camera with me unfortunately but another blogger has beaten me to it and taken some rather nice pictures!)

I was served by an earnest young man who was very keen to tell me all the beneficial properties of the smoothie I was going to have.  I chose one that had lemon, orange, ginger and cocoa nibs amongst other things - and something exotic called chia seeds which apparently are a bit like linseed but million times more beneficial! If it was to be healthy it certainly was no fast food either. The careful, loving composing of the drink took about twenty minutes - luckily the smoothie bar is located in an eco shop called Ruohonjuuri so I didn't get too bored! I was starting to regret I didn't choose something from the shop for a quick snack but when I finally got the smoothie I have to say my regrets were washed away! It was indeed delicious - chocolatey but yet fresh at the same time and it did taste like it's good for you. The price felt a bit on the high side - 5 € for a cup - but the smoothie actually was so filling I shared it with my family (who liked it too) so you got your money's worth. But why the plastic cups and straws? I would've been quite happy to pay a bit extra for something more recyclable!


  1. One comment: the cups were actually made of corn, so they are organic waste. :)

    So, in the future feel free to put them in the recycle bin. Thanks! :)

  2. Great news! Now I can enjoy your smoothies with even better conscience! Maybe it's worth mentioning to customers though that they're recyclable - I ignorantly binned mine!

  3. FF - I do enjoy your blog. Very good light-touch journalism (a second career beckons?). This aged male carnivore finds this glimpse into the culture of the future fascinating!

  4. Thanks Birnie(!), I hope to get on with this again as I start to feel a bit better!

  5. one of the best places that i never meet before... greetings from Kerava!
